
>> December 3, 2008

First of all - yes the flu has left our house. Praise God!!!

We went to visit my family for Thanksgiving this year and one thing my sister asked of me while we were there was to take some pictures of my mom with our kids.
The three girls all had dresses that my mom purchased for them that matched, so the goal was to get pictures of the three girls in their dresses and then also pictures of all 5 grandkids with my mom.
On Thanksgiving the girls all took naps at different times of the day, so no picture taking on that day.
We came back to my sisters house on Friday with the goal of getting the pictures.
Let me just say that that is NO EASY TASK with 3 little girls under the age of 3.
We never did get the boys in a picture, because by the time we got pictures of the girls in their dresses they were DONE. Oh well.
Mom, eventually (when the girls are older), you WILL get a picture of all of them together.

So here are some of my favorites...
And just for you Erin, I am posting LOTS of them.

This one is my FAVORITE of the day...
And I took this on Thanksgiving of the girls having a shared moment eating cookies and watching baby Einstein. Not part of our photo shoot, but I love it nonetheless...
I leave for Louisiana early in the morning. Hopefully I'll have some fun pictures to post when I get back.


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