Merritt is in LOVE

>> April 24, 2010

Completely and utterly in love.

You know, the kind of love where he won't stop talking about her.
He brings her up multiple times a day.
He asks us to call her family and see if we can visit her regularly.

Don't worry... he still thinks girls have cooties.
But boy, oh boy does he want a horse.
It's funny how quickly the birthday wish list can change
from video games to cowboy boots and riding lessons.

This love affair started like this...

But has progressed to this...

He doesn't mind watching and waiting patiently to get a turn

And when he's getting some instruction, he listens carefully.
He really wants to learn!

And oh what joy to not be on the lead...

He even WANTS to help out with the work (at least so far)

He isn't the only one who gets in on the fun...

He's just the only one who's in LOVE!
(at least so far)

6 responses:

Christy April 25, 2010 at 6:21 AM  

Ooohhh maaaan, I had a horse growing up. And a dog a cat, a goat a bird......need I say more? I was in LOVE as well. My horse' name was Taxi. ;)Hey at least he's not running away from home to elope kind of love yet. ;)

Eileen April 26, 2010 at 12:33 PM  

That's SO GREAT!!! Way to go!!! I ditto that love!!! My parents gave me a year's horsebackriding lessons when I was 12... on Trixi. She was AWESOME! They were actually friends of the family, so that contributed to it being a wonderful (and probably free) gift. It also came with the total cowgirl outfit... red studded shirt and red boots!!!

Crystal April 26, 2010 at 6:54 PM  

Oh how sweet. Now that I live in Texas, I think farmers and cowboys are way cool! Such an impressive thing to aspire to, sincerely.

I used to say I'd never marry a southern boy, but I've since eaten my words. I call him my "rock and roll cowboy" ;).

Anonymous May 4, 2010 at 9:28 PM  
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Anonymous May 4, 2010 at 9:28 PM  
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Anonymous May 4, 2010 at 9:28 PM  
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