How to...

>> August 14, 2008

Thanks for all the feedback on this post.
Since many of you wanted to know how I did it, I thought I would reply here.

Here is the original image straight out of the camera...

Using Photoshop CS3, I started by adjusting levels to get the mood I wanted in the picture. Then I got rid of the women's restroom sign and cropped the image in.

From there I processed the image using Totally Rad Actions (a birthday gift) - Boutwell's Magic Glasses to get a little more sharpness; and a couple of the textures (dirty lovin, dirt lip, dirty birdie) adjusting the opacity on each layer until I liked the finished product.

You can request a free sample of the actions here.
(The sample I received included Boutwell's Magic Glasses. You will love it!)

5 responses:

christy p August 17, 2008 at 3:38 PM are just so creative!!! I am going to give that a try later this week! Thanks for the tip!

Leslie August 18, 2008 at 9:39 PM  

glad your liking the TRA everyone seems too, thanks for your sweet sweet comments.. I can't believe how much I missed around here, looks like your family has fully fully enjoyed summer!!

This gift btw came out lovely lovely.

Skeller August 18, 2008 at 10:11 PM  

WOW!!! You completely made this image into a piece of art!

Anonymous August 20, 2008 at 3:59 PM  

Hey Rhonda!
Awesome pic. I just purchased the actions last week with a friend!
They are so awesome.

Good to see your family is doing well.
My sister came in to my room and was excited that you knew about the TotallyRad actions also.

Jessica August 25, 2008 at 3:02 PM  

I love that action set... I've been eyeballing it myself. Awesome job on the picture. Thanks for the prayers and the links for photography books :) The eating issues have been MUCH better :)

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