Kane Kid happenings

>> May 23, 2009

It's been awhile since I've posted what we've been up to on the kid front.

Basically it has been school and baseball for the boys,
but that is all coming to an end soon.
Wednesday is their last games for the regular season.
Merritt has been nominated for the All-Star team, but that doesn't mean he'll actually be chosen.
And school gets out in less than 2 weeks.
Summer is peeking around the corner.
We plan to do lots of swimming, visit family, play with friends, read, go camping.
Who knows what else.
I'm looking forward to it.

Here are some pictures of the kids...

BASEBALL Merritt style:

BASEBALL Mason style:
(Gotta LOVE T-Ball)

Sliding into home is his favorite part.

And not to forget Molly:

These 3 bless me daily!

4 responses:

Crystal May 23, 2009 at 6:13 PM  

Oh Rhonda, your children are adorable. Mason is such a ham! And Molly is just a little darling. Love these pictures :).

Adventures of Supermom May 23, 2009 at 7:16 PM  

Awww! She's so beautiful! What an angel!

Christy May 24, 2009 at 5:00 PM  

he,he cute! Morgan is done with school and Ryanne has only a few maore days. Just wrapping everything up and getting ready for some lazy days of summer. We may be heading to Fresno June 11th, maybe we can meet up for lunch or something friend. Miss you. Wish it was more like lunch, coffee, a walk, late night talks, prayer time etc. :)

Lori May 26, 2009 at 5:58 PM  

Your photography is amazing. I love looking at your pics and your adorable children. That picture of Molly sitting on the potty is too cute for words. That must be entered into some contest, somewhere. It would win for sure!

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