Catch up #2 - FIRSTS

>> August 20, 2009

July held a couple of FIRSTS for my boys.

Mason lost his first tooth...

And Merritt got glasses...

(you can see more pictures of Merritt with his new glasses here.)

As for Molly...
Well, Molly has firsts all the time. She is only 2.
And while there is much to update for Molly, she really needs her own posts.
So those will come soon.
I am glad to report though that she has decided that she will no longer put her fingers in her diaper to check for poo. That was getting old really quickly!

3 responses:

Christy August 22, 2009 at 4:09 PM  

yay for missing teets, glasses and no more fingers in the poop! Blah! :)

Crystal Keilers, that's me. August 22, 2009 at 10:07 PM  

You tell Merritt I think he looks very handsome. And Mason is so cutie!

Eileen August 25, 2009 at 10:56 AM  

Firsts are so important! Your kids are so darn cute (and obviously yours...)!!!

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