An appointment with God in Seattle

>> May 23, 2010

Have you ever had one of those moments that, although it was planned for one purpose, God intended it for His purposes? That's what last weekend was like for me - an appointment with God.
When I was praying about whether or not I should go to Seattle for this workshop, I knew that God wanted me there and that He had a purpose bigger than the workshop, but I could have never anticipated all that the weekend held for me.

When I got off the plane on Thursday and got in my rental car, I was excited about what God wanted to do that weekend.
I was excited to spend time with friends from Epic that had moved to WA.
I was excited to learn more about photography.
I was excited to spend time with friends that I had met via the internet.
I was excited to meet all together new friends.
But I was mostly excited about the unknown stuff that I knew God had prepared for me.

Some of you understand this and some of you are wondering how I knew that God wanted me there.
I just want to share a little about that.
I had been praying about going to one of these workshops for over a year. For one reason or another there was just no way I could get there. And when it came up this time I wondered if it was even a wise use of my resources. I mean, a trip and workshop like this isn't cheap. But I couldn't get over the nagging feeling that I had to be there. I even sensed God telling me that He would provide the money if I would just sign up. So I did. I signed up on the payment plan (to give God time to provide.)
I don't know why I had any doubt. God is so good and came through in ways that I could never have conjured up myself. Half of the cost came from a job in which I still don't even know how they got my number. He not only provided for the workshop, He provided the airfare, the rental car, the hotel room.
He had a purpose for me being there.

I didn't have to be in Tacoma until Friday so I drove to Bellingham to spend the night at the Jones' house.
They had other company in town and were already planning to visit Seattle on Friday, which was perfect for me. I not only got to hang out with some of the coolest people I know, but I got to experience Seattle with them. AND I got to meet their cool family members that still live in Hanford and are considering coming to Epic. Yay!

On the way to Seattle, I drove alone because I had to leave them early to pick up a new friend (my room mate for the weekend) at the airport and get to the meet and greet for my workshop. The drive to Seattle was a little over an hour and a half and I had the sweetest time of worship during that drive.
(God even gave me a new worship song that I might share with you some time.)
God was meeting me there in that rental car and preparing me for what was still to come.

I'll share more tomorrow.

Part 2
Part 3
The End

1 responses:

Christy May 25, 2010 at 8:15 AM  

seriously, dont leave me hanging girl. I need details, more details! :)

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