Baseball and the Park

>> April 26, 2008

WARNING: Lots of pictures!

We are trying to make the most of the weather (before it gets too hot!).
And since Molly decided she is a walker (she hardly crawls), we have been to the park twice this week.
She LOVES it.
She walks all over the place;
Hollers with (and at) the big kids;
Climbs on the slide (from the bottom - just what I tell her brothers NOT to do.)
She enjoys sliding, swinging, playing with all of the gadgets on the playground.
I think one of the things she enjoys most though is being like the big kids.

Mason is loving the park too.
Its one of the first things he asks me to do in the morning (after asking if he can go to Mia's house.)

Merritt has missed out on the park fun because of school and baseball, but he is LOVING baseball. I have been awful about forgetting to take the camera to his games, but I did remember it for practice this week. Here are a few shots of him in action.

Mason wasn't old enough to play tee-ball this year, but Merritt's coach has been great about making him feel like a part of the team.
He is the runner when they are practicing fielding.
And does whatever else Coach Dave asks him to do.
He even got the team ball after Thursday's game for being such a great support team member.
He tells me often that he's a part of the team too.

3 responses:

MLasch April 26, 2008 at 11:19 PM  

I love your photography!! What great pictures!

Christy April 27, 2008 at 9:18 AM  

That is really cute! I love that Mason gets to be part of the team. And Merritt? He is getting so big and filling all out like a big kid, oh my gosh! I wont even go into how I used to change his diapers just yesterday it seems! ;) I hope we can see you ALL soon. Love ya' Keep the pictures coming!

Jessica April 27, 2008 at 1:19 PM  

You take such great pictures! Good job, it's fun to look at them :) Your kids are so adorable!

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