"boppy" and chapstick...

>> September 21, 2008

Yesterday morning Molly kept telling me "boppy".

She was being very intentional when she said it and was obviously saying something she thought I should understand. When she realized I wasn't getting it, she got off of my lap, went over to Bruce, pointed at his cup from Starbucks and said again, "boppy".

How do they learn things like coffee before they learn water, especially when water is what she drinks all the time and she hasn't yet had coffee?

She LOVES chapstick too. (She can't say that though).
While we walked the boys to school one day last week, she used up a whole stick.

She likes to put it on like she sees us put it on:

And then when it gets too low to put on the traditional way, dig it out with her fingers and put it on using her fingers:

And the tube is pretty good to suck on every now and then as well:

Can you see the chunks of chapstick on her face?

Once I cleaned the chunks off, she was very proud to show me her nicely protected, unchapped lips:

9 responses:

DonnaG September 22, 2008 at 6:52 AM  

You should call her Molly Chapstick. Remember Susie? Molly is adorable with her lip protection. Very sweet. You got a beauty of a girl there!

Jessica September 22, 2008 at 7:39 AM  

Too cute about the coffee. I'm glad to see she has very hydrated lips :) I LOVE those blue eyes.

Christy September 22, 2008 at 10:23 AM  

always good to keep those lips soft for mama's kissin'! ;) Oh and my friends little girl at one said her first word,"shoes!" She's obsessed with shoes already. They are in a world of trouble I think. ;)

Crystal September 23, 2008 at 1:21 PM  

Look at that face! Oh goodness. She'd melt me to puddles. Forget about it.

Eileen September 23, 2008 at 2:38 PM  

What eyes! Incredible! You have such an incredibly special family! I especially love the pictures with Daddy interacting with his precious ones!

christy p September 27, 2008 at 6:25 PM  

Ohhh she is soooooooo stinking CUTE. You take awesome photos. I was laughing at the boppy thing...pretty funny.

Jolene Grace September 28, 2008 at 7:47 PM  

What stunningly beautiful eyes Molly has! Good genes, that's what it is! You have such a beautiful family, Rhonda. Blessings to you all!

Homeskewlin October 1, 2008 at 11:07 AM  

That Molly is a doll!! Those boys are too cute!! I hate that our kids don't know each other. We have yet to head north for vacation but when we do, your house will be one of our stops. Love ya and miss you!

Melissa October 12, 2008 at 3:30 PM  

Mia did the same thing a few days ago. I walked into the livingroom and found her sitting on her bean bag calmly digging out the rest of the tube with her little fingers. It was a brand new tube and she ate the whole thing!!

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