If You Give Rhonda A To Do List...

>> January 22, 2009

Do you ever have so much on your "to do" list that you are overwhelmed?
For me, that means things just don't get done as quickly.
I put things off until later (which in the case of my boys' bedroom means the problem gets worse.)
I start on one project and let myself get distracted because I'm tired of how long it is all taking me. Or I think about another thing I should do and let myself wander to that project for awhile.
This post is a case in point. I sat down to work on the last of the photos I need to touch up to finish the CHRISTMAS PRESENT photo book for Bruce's family. See how behind I am? I have been working on this book since September! It SHOULD be done by now. But while I was working on one of the pictures I thought about posting a before and after on my blog. Then I thought about how it has almost been 2 weeks again since I've blogged.
So here I am BLOGGING instead of tackling my "to do" list.

The before and after of the picture I was working on this morning when I got distracted here on my blog...

I think I am now going to take a break from the computer and tackle this mess....

See what I mean - OUT OF CONTROL!
Really, this mess was my goal when I got up this morning.
I took Molly to my mom's so she would let me work and when I got home I started working on pictures instead of cleaning. (Much to share about Molly in my NEXT post)
I think I could write a new Laura Numeroff book ("If You Give A Mouse A Cookie") by the way I have been distracted this week.

Have a GREAT day.
Hopefully I can get productive for the rest of mine!

4 responses:

Crystal January 22, 2009 at 3:06 PM  

It's the creative mind. I suffer with the same battle sometimes too...to clean or to craft....crafting is always more fun.

And boys can destruct a room in five mins flat, oh how disheartening that is!

Unknown January 23, 2009 at 2:23 PM  

But Rhonda, They love every toy and want to keep every book and they can't part with any of it. LOL.

Christy January 25, 2009 at 8:46 AM  

he,he my girls rooms can get like that too. I started the tradition of going through their rooms (with them of course) before Christmas and their birthdays every year. They have to get rid of, donate whatever anything they dont play with or that doesnt fit. It really helps keep the clutter down and makes them aware of HOW MUCh they have. :) Also they each have to clean for 10 minutes everyday in their rooms and that has made huge improvements. If it makes you feel any better I bounce all over when doing projects as well. :)

epic bruce January 26, 2009 at 1:58 PM  

Let me just say, that Rhonda gets all the props for actually getting started in the boys room. I just close the door and walk away. One Sunday morning I went in before we left for worship to get something for Mason. I stepped on something and went into a flailing and screaming rage. Children crying, backpacks flying, blood vessels bulging. You can guess how hard it was to get myself together for worship and ministry that day... whew! Rhonda rocks!

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