Clouds after the rain

>> March 6, 2009

Have you ever checked the clouds after it rains, or when the sun pokes through between showers. If you haven't, it's definitely worth a look.

I have been obsessed with the sky lately.
How can I not be? It's beautiful.

Last week, while I was taking the boys to school, more than once I wanted a picture of what I was seeing. But by the time I would get my camera, the picture was gone.
So I got smart and took my camera with me on a couple of occasions.
Here is what I got (this was over the kids' school) ...

This last picture was with my lens zoomed as wide as I could get it.

But, in the midst of my trying to capture the sky, I read this post with a link to this tutorial on how to stitch images together in Photoshop to create a panorama.
So the next opportunity I had to capture the amazing sky after the rain, I remembered the instructions on how to photograph the scene.
I brought it home, plugged it into Photoshop, followed the incredibly easy instructions and here is the result (if you click on the picture, you can see a larger version of it)...

Honestly, it is incredibly easy. My images were basically SOOC when I followed the tutorial. And I didn't have to do any touchup work on the finished product. All I did was flatten the layers and crop the jagged edges off.
So cool!

3 responses:

Christy March 6, 2009 at 6:31 PM  

you did a great job my friend, those are amazing.

Crystal March 11, 2009 at 7:59 AM  

Rhonda, these are beautiful! I love that you constantly hone your craft.

christy p March 15, 2009 at 8:06 AM  

Those photos are AMAZING. Truly beautiful.

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