Happy Birthday Brandi!!!

>> March 25, 2009

Today is my friend Brandi's birthday.

I overheard her mention to another friend awhile ago that she was in the mood for some french jazz.
So I thought I would try to find her some for her birthday.
I didn't realize what a difficult task that would be, but I have to say that my search was sooooo worth it.
And when all is said and done, I see why she wanted it.
I LOVE it!

Brandi, I hope you LOVE it too my friend.
(I hope this music is what you meant when you mentioned it, since we didn't talk about the details of what "french jazz" is to you. I trusted that I knew you enough to interpret that on my own. And I won't be upset if you don't like it because I got it totally wrong. Well, I will be disappointed, because I wanted it to be right, but I really just want you to get what you wanted.)


And for those of you who want this kind of music too, I saved my search as an iMix on iTunes.
Check it out.

2 responses:

Christy March 25, 2009 at 4:58 PM  

Loved the music as well and happy birthday Rhondas friend Brandi! :)

Brandi March 30, 2009 at 3:46 PM  

THANK YOU!!!!! I LOVE the CD's...I didn't even know you posted this...
Love you girl
and thank you Christy!!!

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